Ten Tech Tips To Save Time
As stroke survivor with impaired dexterity in my hand, typing on the computer is one of my greatest frustrations. Emails and web posts are measured in hours, not minutes. So I’m always looking for ways to save time.
I think of myself as decently tech-savy, but I learned several new time-saving tricks today from New York Times tech columnist David Pogue. He’s featured in the TED “talk of the week” with the presentation, “10 Top Time-Saving Tech Tips.” Wow, that’s a tongue-twister that, with my lisp, I can’t quite master. But I love his ten tips.
My favorite: When navigating the web, hit the space bar to scroll down a page. Hit “shift-space” to scroll back up. How could I not know that?
The video is only six minutes long, and well worth a look. 10 Tech Tips to Save Time