Vitamin D Deficiency May Increase Risk of Clots in APS Patients
When I feel the sniffles coming on, I always reach for some extra vitamin C. And as an autoimmune patient with Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) I know to get plenty of rest. But until a few years ago, I’d never thought about Vitamin D. I don’t think my doctors paid much attention to it, either, until research began to show that Vitamin D deficiency is common in the US, and can be especially severe in autoimmune patients.
Once we started checking my Vitamin D levels, we found they were off the chart low. I’d take supplements for a while, but the D would drop back down into the red zone every time I stopped. So the docs and I surrendered and added Vitamin D supplements to my regimen.
A funny thing happened then: I began to feel better. I noticed fewer of those classic autoimmune “flares”–puffy hands, aching joints–days when it hurt just get out of bed; days when I wanted a nap just from the effort of taking a shower. When my D was up, I seemed to have more energy, higher stamina, more enthusiasm. I mentioned this to my docs. No one could think of a reason that Vitamin D should reduce flares but, hey, I took it for the blessing it was.
Now new research is showing is showing at Vitamin D may be more important–especially for Antiphospholipid syndrome patients–than anyone knew.
A new study published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases has found that vitamin D deficiency might be associated with increased coagulation–and attendant risk of blood clots–in APS. The study recommends that APS patients have their Vitamin D levels tested, and, if warranted, take supplements.
Extra protection against stroke and other blood clots from a little green gelcap? I’ll take that any day
Other Resources:
Vitamin D: an instrumental factor in the antiphospholipid syndrome
What Do You Lack? Probably Vitamin D By JANE E. BRODY, New York Times
Published: July 26, 2010
Vitamin D promises to be the most talked-about and written-about supplement of the decade …
If you have APS or another autoimmune disease, be sure to check your vitamin D regularly.